HBO Asia The 87th Oscars Imagespot
This is the free video HBO Asia The 87th Oscars Imagespot that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
Play, download and edit the free video HBO Asia The 87th Oscars Imagespot.
Producer | Clarence Tan, Anita Zee
Audio | Boris
Concept | Chaie
Storyboard | Anita Zee, Chaie
Art Direction.Styleframes.3D.Illustration.Compositing.Animation | Chaie
The Oscar 2015 Teaser, HBO Asia
Producer | Clarence Tan
Concept | Chaie
Art Direction.Storyboard.3D.Compositing.Animation | Chaie
2015 CLIO KEY ART AWARDS, Television/Streaming: Audio/Visual - Silver
2015 PromaxBDA Asia Best In House Station Image- Gold
2015 PromaxBDA Asia Best Special Event Promo - Silver
2016 PromaxBDA Promotion, Marketing and Design Global Excellence Awards, TOTAL PACKAGE ART DIRECTION & DESIGN: PROGRAM - ON-AIR ONLY - Gold
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