This Magic Moment - Coke Zero
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The prompt was to capture the deliciousness of Coke Zero while using robotics technology to create a camera move / shot sequence that has yet to be scene in the ad world. Hence, I racked my brain to stuff all the typical liquid tabletop shots into one continuous shot. Mikey and I imagineered a concept and I drew it up on the white board and then I built out a pre-vis in SketchUp. Colin built the 3 axis pour rig with stepper motors and custom 3d printed parts and then programmed the robot move over a day. Justin Colin and I built the ice release machine with a tube and pneumatic valves; timing the pacing of fall of the cubes was a factor. We had to develop a few different types of picture ice since hard epoxy cubes broke our glasses and soft epoxy bounced too much. We settled on real ice pellets for the cubes that landed in the pint glass and used picture cubes in the bottom of the glass to prevent melt and reflect light. Good news is the effort into the epoxy went to great use decorating the tabletop and frosting the bottle. for aestethic I desired a vintage look, reminiscent of the polar bear coke ads from before I was born. Billy did that. Kevin did the stabilization which was more complex than you'd expect and also did the bottle retouching. shot on phantom flex. can't remember which lens we used but it was fast with a very short minimum focus and typically used in tabletop.
RiTE Media Group
Creative Directors: Mikey Cosentino & Indiana Robbins
Director: Indiana Robbins
Visual Engineer/Robotics: Colin Quinn
DP: Justin Dombrowski
Art: Jacob Keisgen & Elliot Liss
Postproduction: Kevin Christopher
Colorist: Billy Gabor at CO3
EPs: Paris Schulman & Mikey Cosentino
Sound Design: Tunewelders
Sound Mix: Paris Schulman
BTS Edit: Cara Tripodis
High Speed Lighting: HIVE Lighting
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