Superhero School - Take Your Phonics Lesson from Good to Great
This is the free video Superhero School - Take Your Phonics Lesson from Good to Great that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
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Think of Superhero School as your Swiss Army knife of teaching systematic, explicit phonics. Superhero School’s click-and-go phonics lessons hold a teacher’s hand through each critical step in teaching the sounds and reading. You’ll find Superhero School jam packed with:
* Unlimited access to the click-and-go lessons
* 3,500 decodable words with sounds, blending and picture support
* 1,000 nonsense words to really check your class can decode
* 1,000 word and picture supported sentences, to apply children’s learning
* All words and sentences differentiated to switch up or down your lesson
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