Steady Strides: Fall Prevention and Stroke Rehabilitation Medical Institute
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Steady Strides: Fall Prevention and Stroke Rehabilitation Medical Institute under leadership of Dr Levi (Levan) Atanelov, MD focuses on comprehensive medical fall prevention, balance, gait deficits & stroke rehabilitation.
Steady Strides is nation’s first comprehensive medical fall prevention institute. Dr Atanelov, MD developed a gait and balance rehabilitation program bridging modern medicine with human biomechanics science to diagnose and treat conditions causing increased fall risk.
At Steady Strides we adopt a ‘whole person approach’ to provide comprehensive medical and rehabilitation care. Dr Atanelov combines a thorough neurological and orthopedic exam with his training in human biomechanics to guide our diagnosis and treatment plan.
We treat patients with peripheral neuropathy, vestibular disorders, stroke, amputation, Parkinson’s Disease, spinal stenosis, pain or weakness impairing balance and/or causing gait deficits contributing to risk of falls. We see patients with prior falls, or those who did not yet fall but want to prevent falls in the future.
Many of our patients are not aware that ANY falls, near falls or loss of balance episodes, including slipping on ice or tripping over a curb when not paying attention are significant. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention two falls a year or one traumatic fall (e.g. head injury, hip fracture, etc…) prognosticate increased risk of future falls and trauma. The matter of fact is that there is something causing these falls in older adults that was not there in their younger years. The good new are: we can fix it!
At Steady Strides we diagnose the conditions causing falls, loss of balance and/or gait deficits and provide a robust treatment protocol to reduce risk of falls and improve safe walking and independence. We find that many of our patients have had several years of physical therapy in the past and were not successful in achieving their goals before coming to Steady Strides.
Dr Atanelov’s gait and balance rehabilitation program lasts 6-12 weeks on the average and includes medical work up and management as needed together with physical and/or occupational therapy as needed. After program completion our patients graduate, ring the graduation bell and receive the graduation certificate.
Dr Atanelov’s gait and balance rehabilitation program utilizes “neuroplasticity,” ability of brain to learn new information and has been successful even with patients with memory deficits. In addition to tailor made classical leg strengthening and balance exercises, we use visual imagery, music and dance therapy to engage the “limbic system” of the brain which controls key emotions and memories.
Overall, we aim for a “whole brain” learning protocol, to include the frontal lobes controlling visual attention, abstract thinking and judgement, the brain stem, which controls automatic behaviors and the limbic system of the brains which controls the emotions.
Our physician and rehabilitation therapists work as a team to help manage musculoskeletal and neurological conditions that impair gait, balance and safe activities of daily living such as walking, eating, using the restroom, climbing stairs and driving to work.
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