Seitsemn Veljest 150th anniversary Identity - logo size variants 16:9
This is the free video Seitsemn Veljest 150th anniversary Identity - logo size variants 16:9 that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
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It's the year of celebration for the 150 years old Finnish classic. Seitsemän Veljestä ("Seven Brothers") is the first and only novel by Aleksis Kivi, the national author of Finland.
Finland celebrates Kivi's novel throughout year 2020 and the Municipality (Kivi's birthplace) wanted an identity that would blow the dust off of the old classic. We decided that the identity shouldn't be targeted to the already converted, but instead speak to those who aren't quite as familiar with the novel.
I wanted the identity to be lush with color and patterns. In some uses (often depending on physical size of the medium or printing technique limitations) the logo needs to be simpler ion order for it to read well. I created these four versions, but we ended using only the two most elaborate ones once we figured out what our limitations were when we started placing the logo in different surroundings.
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