Rube Goldberg Competition at PrairieFire Museum
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How can you apply a Band-Aid® without your hands? That was the challenge for the 2017 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC).®
Hosted by Black & Veatch with the support of executive sponsors Hoe Wai Cheong, President of Oil & Gas, and Marty Travers, Group President, the RGMC is a live competition held regionally for teams of students ages 11 to 14 to imagine, design and create an overly complex machine to accomplish a simple task – in this case, applying a Band-Aid®. This competition teaches students about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in a fun setting while encouraging teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving. Winning teams compete on local and national levels. In addition to the Kansas City-based contest, Black & Veatch is also sponsoring for the first time separate contests near the Denver, Colorado, and Bloomington, Minnesota, offices later this year.
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