Marionettes - Freckled Sky x Americas Got Talent
This is the free video Marionettes - Freckled Sky x Americas Got Talent that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
Play, download and edit the free video Marionettes - Freckled Sky x Americas Got Talent.
Multimedia Performance «Marionettes»
America’s Got Talent 2020
Los Angeles, USA
Show Production and Creative - Freckled Sky
Creative Direction, Art-direction - TRI.Direction
Choreography - Apache CREW
Video Content - TiltVFX
Freckled Sky Team
Producers - Val Syganevich, Natasha Syganevich, Katya Korobko
Technical director - Natalka Zheludova
Lightning Design&Programming - Evhen Andruschenko
Associate producer - Nadya Gonchar
Storyboard - Arseniy Mizhenskiy
Design support - Sasha Stinger
TRI.Direction Team
Creative Directors - Mariia Hryhorashchenko, Nataliya Lysenkova, Nataliia Rovenska
Apache CREW Team
Choreographer - Anastasiya Kharchenko
Dancers - Anatolii Sachivko, Marina Kushchova
Costumes - Nazar Didyk
Makeup - Lily Novikova
Music - Alex Chorny
Huge thanks for the help and technical support to:
Alight and personally to Vladimir Andrusishin and Kirill Lobasev
Black Box and personally to Georgii Sagitov and Oleksiy Tyshchenko
Technology and Design and personally to Vladimir Koshevoy, Ivan Khomenko, and Tima Nikolenko
Sergey Gumenyuk
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