LVA [2020] Teaser Trailer
This is the free video LVA [2020] Teaser Trailer that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
Play, download and edit the free video LVA [2020] Teaser Trailer.
Teaser for Älva. A short film inspired by Sven Nordqvist’s book Hundpromenaden. Thanks to a big bunch of darlings and lots of hard work this film is almost done. This passion project was quite the roller coaster. But when stars are aligned and hearts are warm little things of joy and wonder come about. It’s been fun, hard, frustrating and very educational.
Teaser music by the amazing Cobra Man.
#filmmaking #shortfilm #concepting #writing #directing #sounddesign #producing #indiefilm #vfx #teaching #learning #payitforward
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