Investigating the change in energy expenditure before and after familiarization with a passive load-bearing exoskeleton
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Overview presentation of the scientific poster unveiled at the 5th International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance (ICSPP2020) by Gabriel Diamond-Ouellette, M.Sc., Biomechanical Kinesiologist and Ph.D. Student at Université Laval.
This poster presents results from the second phase of a 3-year collaborative research agreement between Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et en intégration sociale (CIRRIS) (Laval University), and Mawashi Science & Technology.
This study supports the importance of familiarization periods upon provision of a load-bearing exoskeleton to minimize energy expenditure with both for expert and naïve users. Integrating a familiarization period can optimize use of a new device and permit the user to enhance efficient coordination patterns during walking. Given the variability among walking speeds with and without the exoskeleton, evaluations should consider individual users and the exoskeleton as one system.
This study concludes that with adequate familiarization, exoskeletons can reduce energy expenditure during walking with loads between 12-38Kg (26-84lb).
The PDF version of the poster is available on ResearchGate at:
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