This is the free video DEFYRE LOGO Animation that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
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Defyre Society Logo Animation Extended Version
I was approached by my bro @axenofficial to work on a quick 5 second intro for @defyresociety_ and went abit over board. Haven't done a logo animation before so went all in with everything I've learnt so far with all this animation stuff.
By far one of the most complicated clips I've attempted. If I've learnt anything from this process is that I need to be more patient because keyframing the arms movements was so neglected as they overlap and move through eachother by carelessness.
Main inspiration was the music vid of Cymatics: Science vs Music by Nigel Stanfords (if you haven't seen it legit go check it out).
What I originally envisioned was to mix assembly mech arms with audio visualisation through surface displacements that were effected by sound waves.
Took me awhile to find music and hope I don't get sued. Cymatics just didnt fit the cut so used Odesza - Loyal (all rights reserved to its respective owner) just over this extended version because the feel of the track suits the chaotic visuals.
C4d>Ae>Premiere (PS for post and still shots)
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