Deaf artist Christine Sun Kim will perform Super Bowl LIV national anthem
This is the free video Deaf artist Christine Sun Kim will perform Super Bowl LIV national anthem that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
Play, download and edit the free video Deaf artist Christine Sun Kim will perform Super Bowl LIV national anthem.
Be sure to check out the Super Bowl LIV pregame festivities today.
Christine Sun Kim will be signing the national anthem and the and America the Beautiful.
Popstar Demi Lovato will accompany Kim vocally.
Kim is an amazing performer and artist who uses ASL, movement, video, drawings, writing and technology to express her experiences of being part of the Deaf community.
Many fans of her expressive art are excited to see her rendition of the songs.
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Be sure to check out the Super Bowl LIV pregame festivities today.
Christine Sun Kim will be signing the national anthem and America the Beautiful.
Popstar Demi Lovato will accompany Kim vocally.
Kim is an amazing performer and artist who uses ASL, movement, video, drawings, writing and technology to express her experiences of being part of the Deaf community.
Many fans of her expressive art are excited to see her rendition of the songs.
In an interview with ArtNet News, Kim says she hopes her performance will bring attention to various issues plaguing the Deaf community like language-deprived Deaf babies, police brutality towards disabled people and lack of mental health services.
Posted - 2.2.20
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