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Natalija Manojlović Varga, Andrej Rozman Roza
plesno-gledališka predstava za otroke 4+ / a dance-theatre performance for children 4+

O predstavi
Ambrož živi v svetu, v katerem ni nobenih strojev, nobenih tovarn in nobenih trgovin. Vse, kar potrebuje, raste in plava v njegovem jezeru. Da mu ni preveč dolgčas, nagaja ribičem in se igra z vodnimi živalmi in predmeti, ki jih v njegovo jezero vržejo kopenski ljudje. Ko pa v jezero pade čevelj, ki je drugačen od tistega, ki že leži na dnu jezera, se Ambrož naenkrat spomni, da sta mu starša, preden sta ga zapustila in odšla v toplejše vode, naročila, da si mora nujno poiskat ženo, saj se sicer njihov rod ne bo nadaljeval. A kje naj jo najde? Povodnih ljudi je namreč veliko manj kot kopenskih in Ambrož ne pozna niti ene same povodne žene. Zato se odpravi na kopno, kjer pa je svet zelo drugačen. Tamkajšnji ljudje nosijo obleke, namesto vode pijejo čudne tekočine in počnejo Ambrožu povsem nerazumljive reči. Da se ga ne bi bali, se mora zavit v njihove obleke in se delat, da je eden od njih. A tudi tak se ne upa približati nobeni kopenski ženi. Dokler ga ena ne prosi, da bi ji odmašil odtok, skozi katerega spušča vso nesnago iz svoje hiše naravnost v reko. Ambrožu se to ne zdi prav, a če se ji hoče prikupit, mu ne ostane drugega, kot da ji pomaga. Ko pa se potopi v reko, da bi odmašil odtok, spozna nekoga, ki se z njegovo pomočjo pri zastrupljanju reke nikakor ne strinja.

About the performance
Ambrož lives in a world where there are no machines, no factories, and no shops. Everything he needs grows and floats in his lake. To pass the time, he annoys fishermen and plays with aquatic animals and objects thrown into his lake by land people. But when a shoe falls into the lake, which is different from the one already lying at the bottom of the lake, Ambrož suddenly remembers that his parents, before leaving him and moving to warmer waters, told him to find a wife to continue their family line. But where to look for her? There are far fewer water people than there are land people, and Ambrož does not know a single water woman. So he heads to the mainland, where the world is very different. The people there wear clothes, drink strange liquids instead of water, and do things that are completely incomprehensible to Ambrož. In order not to be afraid of him, he has to wrap himself in their clothes and pretend to be one of them. But even so, he does not dare to approach any land woman. Until one of them asks him to unclog her drain, through which she releases all the dirt from her house straight into the river. It doesn’t feel right to Ambrož, but if he wants to win her over, he has no choice but to help her. However, when he dives into the river to unclog the drain, he meets someone who doesn’t agree at all with his help in poisoning the river.

Avtorstvo, koreografija in režija / Authored, Choreographed and Directed by: NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ VARGA
Soavtorstvo, avtor besedila in soustvarjanje / Co-authored, Written and Co-created by: ANDREJ ROZMAN ROZA
Avtorska glasba in izvedba / Original Music and Performance: BLAŽ CELAREC
Soustvarjanje in izvedba / Co-created and Performed by: BARBARA KANC, KATARINA BARBARA KAVČIČ, TINES ŠPIK, k.g. ANDREJ ROZMAN
Scenografija / Set Design: SARA SLIVNIK
Kostumografija / Costume Design: VASILIJA FIŠER
Oblikovanje svetlobe in tehnične rešitve / Lighting Design and Technical Solutions: JANKO OVEN
Izdelava kostumov / Costume make: VESNA NOVITOVIČ
Oblikovanje in izdelava mask / Masks Design and make: ALJA SUŠNIK, TINKA PRPAR
Asistentka scenografije / Assistant Scenographer: MARUŠA MALI
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Zahvala / Thanks to: URŠA KODELA LAPAN

Kamera / Camera: KRISTINA KOKALJ

Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture

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