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Free download CTRL.SHIFT.ESC - TRAILER video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the video CTRL.SHIFT.ESC - TRAILER that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor online


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Natalija Manojlović Varga
plesna predstava za mlade od 8. leta dalje / a dance performance for children 8+

O predstavi

Predstava CTRL. SHIFT. ESC. prepričuje (o) generacijo, kateri je obrazložitev tega ukaza popolnoma nepotrebna. To je generacija ki svojo socialno identiteto kreira kot »klaster« oz. skupek fotografij, izrezke dogodkov, komentarjev in izjav, ki so zgolj fragmenti mišljenja. To je generacija, ki največje fascinacije doživlja pred pravokotnim okvirom, v RGB sistemu in v sedečem položaju. Predstava poziva na kontrolo, premestitev in izhod v področje zavestne izbire resničnosti.

About the performance

The performance CTRL. SHIFT. ESC. convinces the (o) generation, to which the explanation of this command is completely unnecessary. This is a generation that creates its social identity as a “cluster” or a set of photographs, clips of events, comments and statements that are merely fragments of thought. This is a generation that experiences the greatest fascinations in front of a rectangular frame, in RGB system and in a sitting position. The performance calls for control, relocation and exit into the field of conscious choice of reality.

Avtorica in koreografinja / Author and Choreographer: Natalija Manojlović Varga
Soustvarjalke in izvajalke / Co-creation and Performance: Barbara Kanc, Katarina Barbara Kavčič Popič, Aja Zupanec
Oblikovanje svetlobe in tehnične rešitve / Lighting Design and Technical Solutions: Janko Oven
Avtorska glasba / Music: Mario Marolt
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Slavica Janošević
Vizualna podoba / Visual Image: Andrej Štular
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: Katja Somrak
Produkcija / Produced by: PTL – Dance Theatre Ljubljana

Kamera / Camera: Gregor Gobec

Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo in Mestna občina Ljubljana / The programme of PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana

Free download, play and edit video and audio from CTRL.SHIFT.ESC - TRAILER using web apps

