6-28-2020 Called to be Disciples and Prophets
This is the free video 6-28-2020 Called to be Disciples and Prophets that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online
Play, download and edit the free video 6-28-2020 Called to be Disciples and Prophets.
Online/Parking Lot Attendance Form: present.flcssc.org
All Live Events at FLC
8:15 am Traditional Worship
10:30 am Contemporary Worship
Watch the replay at wp.me/P8agoY-1j
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Watch service slides at slides.flcssc.org or the online bulletin at faithlife.com/flcssc/bulletins
Our website is: flcssc.org
Mission Statement
Loving others in Christ for outreach to all, while providing for God’s diversity.
Liturgy used by permission
of Augsburg Fortress
License #98132861, #SB151873
Music Licenses
One License A-724171
CCLI 11051126
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