Putting Yourself Out There (Despite Your Fears).

Putting Yourself Out There (Despite Your Fears).

This is the free video Putting Yourself Out There (Despite Your Fears). that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


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Do you sometimes avoid taking action because you’re scared, or you fear you’ll be rejected? Regardless of this, choose not to allow your fears to control you. Sure, you may face criticism along the way—but so what? Let others criticize you. At least you’ll be following your truth and not succumbing to your fears.
In truth, what others say about you has very little to do with you—and *everything* to do with them and is a reflection of their internal state. But how you react is entirely up to you.
And why are you SO scared of putting yourself out there? It certainly is doing you no favors…because if you genuinely wish to pursue your passions in life, then, standing out is something that is going to be necessary. You must put yourself out there if you want to build more opportunities, to grow, and to lead an adventurous life.
The truth is that you can only move forward—despite your fear—once you’ve decided that you’re sick of feeling stagnant. Think about where you’ll be five to ten years from now if you continue letting your fears control you?!! What a sad thought, right? Now, just think about where you’ll be after you begin challenging your fears and taking action...how might your life be different?
The more that I face my fears, the more that I come to realize that all too often…my fears have no bearing in reality! My fears (and yours) are merely unproductive thoughts that just lead to more unproductive thoughts!
Ultimately, the goal isn’t to get rid of our fears altogether, but instead, it’s about learning how to relate to our fears differently, and not taking them so dang seriously.
And who isn’t afraid of putting themselves out there?! The people who succeed are afraid (just like you), but they take action anyway because they’ve discovered the truth, which is.... when we stop trying to be “perfect,” we’ll begin seeing massive results.
Stop waiting for things to happen. Instead, do what you can with what you have and put yourself out there by challenging your fears. If you don’t, I can guarantee that you’ll regret it down the road.
The choice is yours.
What fears are you wanting to conquer (or have already conquered)?!!

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