101.2 / Activate Empty Spaces
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Activate Empty Spaces
Find the coveted pockets that take up the something in between. Form a pathway that fills in a gap left by urban erosion – Can you populate the alternative way to get there? Is it ok to stop?
*suggested listening, Philip Glass - Etude No. 2
Dancer: Chad Concepcion
Footage c/o Mickaël Bandassak
LFDT presents 101.2, the third act in The 101 Series.
Filmed in early May of 2020 while most of the world was still under lockdown, dancers used the LFDTCLASS framework to create solo work informed by our recent project, 'Mapping Now: Vital Little Plans' , a map inspired by New York City’s grid systems on the Lower East Side. The map is annotated with statements inspired by the writings of Jane Jacobs and are gentle suggestions or prompts that can be taken into action through reflection, in movement, or on the streets.
In response to Jacobs' prompts and her work's foundational principle that: any given public space is defined by the degree to which we participate with it, 101.2 has dancers engage in a movement-based dialogue about the human experience that questions and maps the way we move in public space, and ponders notions of access, of privilege or isolation.
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