Use online DocsWork editor for documents DOC & DOCX ex

XlsWork XLS editor for spreadsheets extension

Web browser extension that is a XLS and XLSX editor that lets you edit your spreadsheets directly on the web browser. App available in the Chrome web store and Firefox marketplace: 



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OfficeWork Office Online extension for Firefox and Chrome

OfficeWork is an office online suite that provides a Document Editor, a Presentation Editor and Spreadsheet Editor. App available in the Chrome web store and Firefox marketplace: 



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PDFOffice PDF editor online extension for Firefox and Chrome

PDFOffice is a PDF Editor online from which you can perform editing operations over PDF files but using your web browser. App available in the Chrome web store and Firefox marketplace: 



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DocsWork editor for documents DOC & DOCX extension

Web browser extension that is a DOC and DOCS editor that lets you edit your WORD documents directly on the web browser. App available in the Chrome web store and Firefox marketplace: 



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