MT 12-4-19 What Did You Say?

MT 12-4-19 What Did You Say?

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THOUGHT: Speak with thanksgiving.

BIBLE: Coarse and foolish talking or crude joking are not suitable, but rather giving thanks. Ephesians 5:4

TRANSCRIPT: Hey everybody! Welcome back to Morning Thrive. We’re talking about living a life of thanksgiving. It’s not just one day. It’s not just a holiday. It’s the way we live our lives!

Here’s another thought I want to give you. We should speak with thanksgiving. Now stop for a minute and think about this. How much sarcasm and criticism are in our culture today? So many of today’s hit comedy shows and movies are riddled with sarcasm, but listen, as a Believer, we are called to stand apart from the world. Even our speech patterns should be different.

You know, we get into Christmas, and things are so hectic and so busy. How much of your speech is thankful speech? How much of the things you say to other people are thankful? Do you thank the person that serves you? Do you thank the person that went before you? Do you thank the person that did a great job? Does that even come to your mind?

Our speech should be different and should be laced with thanksgiving. Ephesians 5:4 says, “Coarse and foolish talking or crude joking are not suitable, but rather giving thanks.” Coarse abusive thought, coarse joking is on one side, and thankfulness is on the other side. Your conversations should tilt toward being thankful.

Imagine if people that came up to you today were to thank you for what you’ve done. Imagine how that would brighten your day! Hey, go brighten somebody else’s day by being thankful for what they’ve done.

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